Managing fire risk and fire safety in all circumstances
Fire can affect any type of business, building or organisation, so it’s only natural that our experience should extend across many sectors. We’ve conducted fire risk assessments in offices, factories, industrial units, shops and shopping centres, schools, day care centres, hospitals, doctors’ surgeries and residential care homes. (And that’s a far from exhaustive list).
Here is just a taster of the types of project we’ll undertake:

Working with NHS Trusts, PCT’s across the country as a specialist in healthcare fire safety and management in both public and private sectors. Our specialist services provide architects/designers and contractors the facility to meet the end user life safety provisions with innovative strategies and fire engineering solutions. We also provide direct services to Trust’s and other health facilities offering Fire Safety Management services, including fire safety manager / advisor and project manager teams for the day to day running of fire safety services, or for specific fire projects on a site like site wide fire alarm systems upgrade.

Collaborating with education authorities and individual schools on fire evacuation plans and fire safety system upgrades.

Conducting fire safety audits and fire risk assessments, staff fire safety and fire marshal training.

Addressing the modern retail sector’s need for new and innovative fire engineering solutions and fire safety strategies.

Helping to make factory space work harder without compromising fire regulation compliance or staff safety.

Advising private and commercial developers on fire engineering design, floor layout and access issues.